This is a tribute to long weekends based on a person (myself) that has great difficulty in packing small suitcases! So, we have a really small piece of luggage and many things to fit in. The keyword here is “multipurpose” clothing. Garments we can either wear to the beach (since it's almost summer), or for a night out. Number one “can’t-do-without” (CDW) item, in our light-traveling case study, is beyond any doubt the one-piece swimsuit that can be worn as a body paired with a skirt, a high waisted trousers or a pair of shorts. A feather weight c-through long blouse can be a real saviour. It matches almost everything, you can pack three or four of them without sacrificing much of your precious luggage space and, most importantly, you can wear it from morning till night! Last but not least CDW item of the season is the multi-way-to-were-it skirt! Forget the sarongs you once wore and make a skirt your beach "best friend". You can even wear it as a top! As for the shoes, a pair of flat sandals and a pair of high-heels will do the job through the whole weekend. Enjoy! HCC
photographs: Shot by Gio
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